Slowly, the sun began to set while she sat there as still as a statue, mesmerized by the book in her palms.Around her lay books of all shapes and sizes, but not all were still some flew like birds in the sky.Carla the little girl rested upon a shiny blue chair, she was a smart little girl by they age of 5 she had almost read every book there was in the library.This Library wasn't like others because it was magical, when someone came all they could was an old lady watering here garden but when the turned away it was like the library was there the whole time and each day it would books piles of books sometimes Carla even made castles with the help of her flying books, they would always wake her up by flapping all around her it sound like a fan blowing on your face.Carla was alone most of the time, her parents didn't abandon her they were adventures, explorers they had been places people had never even heard of they met talking trees flying guitars even walking mandarin's and Carla was determined to be just like them, so she read as much as she could about these places.
Hi Ileana. Wow the words you are using in your writing are much more descriptive and complex. I especially like the words mesmerized, magical and abandon. I particularly like how you describe the book in the girls hands. Could you add in some sound words to help describe the sound the books make as they fly? Also, where you describe the library as being magical, I would suggest you take away 'for example' and describe the magical mysteries of the library. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteThank you Miss Mills For the comment. I will make sure to change it.